Thursday, May 3, 2007

Car Free Four Days

Wouldn't it be great to cut our car use by over 50%? That's what pledging non-use of the car for FOUR DAYS every week adds up to. You are now well on your way to a completely CAR FREE life. Perhaps you've found a good line of public transit to and from your place of work, or you can walk there or bicycle as much as possible. Of course weather can sometimes make it tricky. The car is like a deluxe rain parka on wheels. But is that reason enough to avoid a little rain or snow? There are great outdoor clothiers out there; splurge on some great boots, socks and insulated clothes and leave the car streetside for as many days as you can handle. You'll be exercizing, getting your heart healthier and helping the planet recover from all the driving we used to do.

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