Thursday, May 3, 2007

Welcome to Car Free One Day

Hello. The purpose of these blogpages is to encourage the gradual decrease in all of our dependence on the use of the automobile in everyday life. So we have developed a series of simple ways of thinking to encourage less car use. It begins with the slogan CAR FREE ONE DAY, which has multiple meanings: first, that we will try to choose one day of the week in which we do not start the engine of a car all day, and second, that ONE DAY we hope to be completely FREE of the problems that CARs are causing us. Problems like smog, traffic and danger to bikers and pedestrians, global warming caused by petrol consumption and the oil infrastructure around which the entire society has been built.

We are imagining that some forward thinking people will pledge (to themselves for now) to begin weening themselves from automobile use, beginning with the pledge to make ONE DAY of the week an auto free day. It might be a weekend day on which you can base your transit needs through some other systems, whether walking or bicycling or taking existing public transit. Choose a day of the week and try not to use the car on that day every week. You can start to enjoy re-scheduling your life so that your CAR FREE DAY is a pleasure in its being CAR FREE. If something comes up that forces you to use the car on your FREE DAY, we suggest swapping it out with an upcoming day in the week, or take 2 days off of car use the next week. The idea here is not to cut your legs off, but to set reachable goals for yourself and to begin thinking creatively about how to cut back on the carbon footprint each of us places on world resources every day. And devising a model for thinking that can spread and become useful to many people. Many people are just not used to thinking about cutting back on consumption and we need to learn how to offer people good ways to be part of the solution. In the not-too-distant future we will have no choice on the subject; driving will be a luxury rarely enjoyed by most of us because the consequences will have added up into the massive problem we can now see on the horizon. And it's a fairly bleak picture unless we all begin pitching in very soon.

We have a bumper sticker graphic that we may print up and distribute, depending on how we feel this project fits into other conservation projects.

Idea created by Pamela Wylie and Owen O'Toole. Thanks for looking in.

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